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马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 十六

“谢天谢地!” 杰克深情地说道,把嘴里的雪吐了出来。“你熟悉这一带。” 他不浪漫地补充道,“有没有不原路返回就能离开这里的办法?” 他开始小心翼翼地往地面上爬。

“thank God!” Jake said soulfully, blowing the snow out of his mouth. “You know the neighborhood,” he added unromantically. “Is there any way to get out of this place without going back the way I came?” he began climbing cautiously up to ground level.


“Yes. Straight ahead through the woods. Forest Avenue is on the other side of the wall. but why—”


“e on, then. what the hell are you waiting for?”


he hauled her out of the excavation, grabbed her arm, and started through the woods.


“but Jake—”

“现在不是玩问答游戏的时候。” 他严肃地对她说。

“this is no time to be professor quiz,” he told her grimly.


the path beyond the empty grave had not been used for a long time. Now, covered with snow, it was little more than a space between the trees. Jake followed it as best he could, helping helene over roots and branches, swearing at unfriendly stones that tried to trip him. halfway to the wall he paused, listening.

“杰克 —— 为什么 ——”


“闭嘴!” 他压低声音严厉地说,“你听到什么声音了吗?”

“Shut up!” he said in a fierce whisper. “do you hear anything?”


From somewhere in the distance they could hear the faint sounds of someone pushing through bushes.


“we’re getting out of here!”


he half dragged her the remaining distance to the wall. there, with the help of a few rocks and a convenient tree, he scrambled to the top, pulled her up beside him, jumped down on the other side, and helped her to the sidewalk. For a moment he stood leaning against the wall, catching his breath. there was something wonderfully reassuring about the sight of paved streets and lampposts, sidewalks and distant houses, after those haunted woods.


heavy snow was beginning to fall, in great, soft, feathery flakes. It looked as though it might go on falling for a long time.

“该死。” 杰克痛苦地说,“这场雪会把一切都盖住。它会掩盖住脚印,很可能还会把坟墓填满。现在我们永远也找不到那些脚印通向哪里,也找不到那个人在哪里了。”

“damn it,” Jake said bitterly, “that snow is going to cover everything. It’s covering up the footprints and it’s probably going to fill in the grave. Now we’ll never be able to find out where those footprints led or where that guy was.”

“你感觉还好吧?” 海伦用安慰的语气问道。

“You’re feeling all right, aren’t you?” helene asked, in a soothing voice.


“No. I feel terrible. And I wasn’t mistaken for a rabbit, either. It was me. he was shooting at me. because of michael Venning’s grave.”

“你喝酒了。” 海伦说。

“You’ve been drinking,” helene said.

“还没有。” 杰克疯狂地说,“但我肯定会尽快找个酒吧开始喝。那个混蛋向我开枪让我很生气。我不喜欢这样。”

“Not yet,” Jake said wildly, “but I’m sure as hell starting in as soon as I can find a bar.” he glared at her as though it were all her fault. “It made me sore when that bastard started shooting at me. I don’t like it.”


“who was shooting at you?”

“我不知道。” 杰克吼道,“现在又开始下雪了,我可能永远也不会知道了。但是不管那个……”

“I don’t know,” Jake roared, “and now that it’s started snowing again, I probably never will know. but whoever the—”


he broke off suddenly and stared at her, seeing her for the first time.


“And what the hell are you doing here?”


“I followed Editha Venning. She—”


“that’s not what I mean. You’re supposed to be in havana.”


“You’re supposed to be in bermuda.”


“well, I’m not. I came back here to win that bet with mona mcclane.”


“So did I.”


Jake stared at her, speechless. She seemed pale and very tired. A small, close-fitting cap of some clipped dark-brown fur that matched her loose, big-pocketed coat, framed her small, delicate face.

“听着。” 他突然说,“现在不是说话的时候。下一趟北岸的火车什么时候开往文明世界?”

“Look here,” he said suddenly, “this is no time to talk. when does the next North Shore train start back to civilization?”


She consulted a schedule taken from her purse. “three-forty-seven.”


he looked at his watch. “It’s three-forty-three right now. I hope to heaven it isn’t far.”


“A couple of blocks. Right down Forest Avenue and—”


he grabbed her hand. “don’t stand there talking about it. e on.”


they raced down Forest Avenue through the gently falling snow, wheeled left for the last block to the North Shore station, and covered it in a final sprint.


Just as Jake piloted her down the cindered path leading to the track crossing and over to the other side, they could hear bells clanging as the pedestrian gates began to swing shut. In the distance the rattling two-car suburban limited hurled itself at the station, trying to look as much as possible like a crack streamliner.


As Jake started for the edge of the platform, helene caught at his arm and pulled him back behind the shelter of the little group of suburbanites waiting to take the train.


“Jake! Look there!”


he saw a tallish, heavy-set woman in a navy-blue reefer coat, a small, flowered felt sailor set slightly awry on her head. her broad face was set in grim, determined lines, her small eyes seemed to be trying to peer everywhere at once. In spite of the hat, there was nothing even remotely ic about her.


“I see her, but who is she?”

“伊迪莎?文宁的同伴 —— 卢埃拉?怀特。别让她看到我们。”

“Editha Venning’s panion—Louella white. don’t let her see us.”


Louella white. he remembered malone’s description of her, and peered over the sealskin shoulder of a maple park matron for a second look. It didn’t make him like her any better than the first one had.


helene said breathlessly, “this morning at mona’s I was trying to watch everybody at once. I had an idea Editha Venning was trying to get off somewhere on her own, and kept my eye on her, but I had a dirty feeling everybody else was keeping an eye on her too.”


“what were you doing at mona mcclane’s?”


“Never mind. Anyway, Editha got away downtown, saying she was going to the oculist. I made some excuse and went after her, and I have a hunch this marble-map panion did, too. but I know she lost the panion before we got down to the Loop. She headed right for the North Shore station at Adams Street, and so did I, but I got snagged up in traffic and when my cab dumped me at the door, she had already bought a ticket and was halfway up the stairs. I got up to the platform just in time to see her grab a train, but not in time to catch the same one. I knew she must be ing out here, so I waited thirty minutes for the next train and came on out myself.”

“但是为什么……” 杰克刚开口。

“but why did—” Jake began.


he was interrupted by the noisy arrival of the Shoreline special, halting abruptly before the platform with all the self-importance of a midget ing onstage in a silk bat. In the ensuing confusion of passengers getting on and off, Jake managed to keep an eye on Louella white, and saw that she got onto the second car. he carefully steered helene in the direction of the first one and led her up to the smoking partment in the very front.


“I don’t think she saw us.”


the train started with a jerk and began hurtling down the track. the smoking partment was deserted save for an elderly drunk sleeping in one corner and a uniformed young man deep in a movie magazine.


Jake took off his hat, brushed the snow from the brim, mopped his brow, and put it on again. he took out a cigarette, lit it very leisurely and deliberately, and took a long, slow drag on it. then he settled back in his seat and fixed his eyes on helene.

“亲爱的,” 他说,“你是一具身份不明的尸体吗?”

“darling,” he said, “are you an unidentified corpse?”


“helene said sadly, “do I look that bad?”


“You look wonderful. only malone sent me out to blake county hunting a corpse, and look what I found.”

“很抱歉让你失望了。” 海伦的声音充满渴望。“现在你打算怎么办?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you.” helene’s voice was wistful. “Now what are you going to do?”

“两件事,” 杰克坚定地说,“首先,我要让这里的其他乘客大吃一惊,别问我怎么做。其次,我要找到马龙,揍他一顿。”

“two things,” Jake said firmly. “First I’m going to shock the pants off the rest of the passengers here, and don’t ask me how. Second, I’m going to find malone and knock his block off.”


helene smiled. “malone can wait. And it looks to me as though these passengers would love to be shocked.”
